Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery

Forney, Texas

Treasured Pets Veterinary Hospital offers soft tissue surgery to care for injuries or medical concerns that are not related to your pets’ bones, joints, or heart. Dr. Blaylock and our compassionate team are committed to taking exceptional care of your beloved pet before, during, and after any procedure. You can always count on us for compassionate, gentle care.

What Is Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery?

Veterinary soft tissue surgery focuses on surgical procedures involving non-bony structures of the body, such as organs, muscles, blood vessels, and skin. These surgeries can range from routine spaying and neutering to more complex procedures, such as tumor removals and organ surgeries.

Soft Tissue Surgeries Offered by Treasured Pets Veterinary Hospital

Here is a look at some of the soft tissue surgeries offered right here at our Forney veterinary practice:

  • Spay and Neuter: Spaying or neutering your furry companion promotes a healthier, happier life and helps contribute to population control. Dr. Blaylock and her team will ensure your pet has the most comfortable experience possible.
  • Mass Removals: Discovering a mass on your pet’s body can be alarming. Dr. Blaylock may recommend the surgical removal of a mass or tumor to diagnose whether it is benign or malignant, ensuring your furry companion receives prompt care.
  • Foreign Body Removals: Pets have a knack for swallowing toys or household items that can become lodged in their digestive tract. Dr. Blaylock will locate and safely remove any foreign bodies to prevent potential obstructions or complications.
  • Urinary Stone Removals: Urinary stones can cause discomfort and potential complications. Removing urinary stones can provide your furry friend with prompt relief and prevent further complications.
  • Enucleation of the Eye: Severe eye disease or trauma sometimes necessitates enucleation or the removal of an eye. We perform this delicate procedure with gentle expertise to alleviate pain and improve your pet’s quality of life.
  • Eyelid Tumor Removal: We may recommend a procedure known as an eyelid wedge resection to remove a tumor. That includes removing a small section of the eyelid tissue along with the tumor without affecting overall function.
  • Laceration/Wound Repair: We offer laceration and wound repair to ensure proper healing after injury. Neglecting to get the needed care can result in infection and other complications, putting a pet’s health at risk.
  • Pyometra Surgery: Pyometra is a serious uterine infection that can affect unaltered female dogs and cats. It often requires immediate surgical intervention to prevent life-threatening complications.

Care After Soft Tissue Surgery

We will provide you with care instructions to promote healing. Keep the surgical site dry and monitor for signs of infection like redness, swelling, or discharge. We may recommend wearing an E-collar or cone of shame to keep your pet from licking or scratching any wound or incision. Make sure to administer any pain medications, antibiotics, or other prescriptions. We may also recommend dietary changes to promote healing and support specific health needs.

Your furry friend will need to rest in the days after surgery. Limit playing, running, and any strenuous activity. Make sure to provide a calm and quiet area for rest and relaxation. If you have any questions or concerns about your precious pet’s recovery, contact our team at Treasured Pets Veterinary Hospital for guidance.

Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery Near Me in Forney, TX

If your beloved companion requires soft tissue surgery, Dr. Blaylock and our Treasured Pets Veterinary Hospital are here to help. We are committed to ensuring your precious pet is as comfortable as possible while receiving outstanding care.

We invite you to contact us at 972-843-1383 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

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